LeedsPHP is a non-profit group to discuss and share knowledge about PHP and related web technologies. We meet monthly (probably) and enjoy a few talks from locals or people who have traveled further afield.

It’s open to any skill level from beginners to experts alike and we try to vary the levels so as to not alienate anyone.

The meet-ups and online platforms aren’t open to recruiters unless you’re just participating in a learning capacity.


Our long term sponsors can be seen in the footer of this page. Additional meet-up specific sponsors will be detailed on the individual event pages.

If you would like to provide further sponsorship, long term, or for a particular events get in touch via twitter.

Code of Conduct

LeedsPHP is dedicated to providing harassment-free meet up experiences for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any meet up venue or online discussion.

LeedsPHP members violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the group at the discretion of the group’s organisers.


Irene Sarigu

Irene is a Senior Software Engineer, with experience in multiple sectors and different languages such as TS, Node, Scala and some PHP. She has a passion for learning all things tech (and not tech related) and enjoys travelling, playing chess and going to the seaside.

Getting Involved

If you would like to be involved in speaking or sponsoring our events please get in touch via twitter.