• March 17th 2016

    We’re very pleased to announce that LeedsPHP is back after a hiatus. The event will take place on Thursday, March 17th, at the Adelphi from 6:30. you can expect regular events in the coming months as the meet-up springs back into life. The chip butties are back as well as...

  • June 15th 2015

    We’re back! Albeit after a slightly-longer-than-normal period since our last meetup. In April a small number of LeedsPHPers met to discuss the future of the group. We had a few ideas and suggestions, which we’ll talk about on June 15th, but one of the points was to drop our regular...

  • April 20th 2015

    Following on from our month off in March, this meetup will be a social event - a catch up and discussion about PHP and it’s recent developments, coupled with a chat regarding improvements to the LeedsPHP group. LeedsPHP has been running for quite a number of years now, but we...

  • February 16th 2015

    This month Tom Hudson will be live-coding a Virtual Machine in PHP. Languages like Java and PHP compile to bytecode that runs on a ‘Virtual Machine’. Tom is going to walk us through building a simple VM from the ground up to illustrate how they work. As always we’ll be...

  • January 19th 2015

    Happy New Year! Leeds PHP returns on Monday 19th January at 19:00 in the Adelphi. This month we have Martyn Ranyard presenting “OwnCloud - is deGoogling hard?” A short exploration of the services provided by OwnCloud - the top opensource (PHP) private cloud services platform. The talk will include a...

  • November 17th 2014

    Writing effective tests with Behat by Iain Cambridge The key to an effective test suite is writing good scenarios. During this talk we’ll look at an example of an extremely badly written scenario and the steps to making it better - resulting in something that is usable and valuable as...

  • October 20th 2014

    Boost your git skills in this session where we pick out some of the most handy but underused features of an excellent tool. If you’re confident committing, branching and merging, then come along and collect the next set of skills, to include bisect, rebasing, adding patches rather than files, the...

  • September 15th 2014

    Join us on Monday 15th September at 7pm in the Adelphi for talks by Sam Holman and Dave Marshall: Using Ansible to automate a Tmux & Vim based development environment by Sam Holman You’re automating the provision of your production servers, test servers and development VMs with Chef, Puppet or...