• October 20th 2014

    Boost your git skills in this session where we pick out some of the most handy but underused features of an excellent tool. If you’re confident committing, branching and merging, then come along and collect the next set of skills, to include bisect, rebasing, adding patches rather than files, the...

  • September 15th 2014

    Join us on Monday 15th September at 7pm in the Adelphi for talks by Sam Holman and Dave Marshall: Using Ansible to automate a Tmux & Vim based development environment by Sam Holman You’re automating the provision of your production servers, test servers and development VMs with Chef, Puppet or...

  • August 18th 2014

    The weather seems to have taken a turn for the worse, so why not join us on Monday 18th August, back in our home venue of the Adelphi (now with a fresh lick of paint!) for an evening of beer, chat and two awesome talks! First up, we have Michael...

  • July 21st 2014

    This month we have Stephen Melrose who will be talking about how building an application is only half the battle. Anyone who’s taken an application from development to production will tell you that it’s not as simple as it sounds. Stephen will talk about an application he recently built and...